Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Saturday, December 09, 2006

Today let us talk about one of the hottest topics of all times- EGO- We might be hearing that word way too often than we would want to ''Miss. Pretty has a puffed up ego'' ''He is so egoistic'' '' The relationship is crumbling cos of ego clash''. So now- let us get them right- Let us understand what is Ego.There are two types of Ego- True Ego and False Ego ( Psychologists talk about Id, Ego and Super ego- that is superficial;in fact they are sub divisions of False ego- I am talking about the two important variants which practically makes the difference) If you have read Vaishnav Philosophy u might have read about souls constitutional position as a servant of Lord.For those who have not heard- let me try to explain in a nutshell- Vaishnav philosophy projects very divine and confidential theory explaining the original position of every soul. It logically explains how we are not the body we presently reside in- our real position is in the transcendental world- world of eternal knowledge and bliss. We are the servants of Supreme Lord-now don't jump into conclusions comparing servant master relation in the world we presently live. In the transcendental abode servant is striving to please master and the master is even more engaged to please and protect the servant. In material world- especially in earth- the principle reigning is mutual utilization and exploitation- but that is not the case in transcendental world- a Vaishnav feels happiest to be the servant of the servant of the servant of Lord. And Lord is not like some Robot manufacturer- who build Robots to serve -without them personally having any individuality. Lord allotted each soul the freedom to think and decide.Krsna is not an authoritative autocrat ordering around. He is the most benevolent, forgiving and loving father. We see Lord Krsna giving the entire discourse of Bhagavad Gita- and towards the end at 63 verse of 18th chapter Lord says- '' Yathecchasi Thatha kuru'' After carefully thinking DO AS U WISH TO DO. Lord is Omnipotent- Arjuna had just seen Lord in His Universal Form- Lord could just dictate what to do and Arjuna would have done it- But no- Lord gave the freedom to choose- this independence, this individual space is the cause of Ego. We know we have certain area of freedom where we can exercise the power of free will Lord granted Us. True ego is to surrender to Lord as His servant and act according to His instructions, to please Him and His devotees. This is healthy ego- understanding ones constitutional position and acting accordingly to respect it. ( This is like we say in medical field- there is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol- one makes u healthy , other makes u sick! ) Now the problematic one- false ego- note that it is not called bad ego- but rather false ego. It is another fact that thriving in false ego is bad. False ego stems when there is veil over our true ego- due to some souls' desire to Lord over the material nature. These souls ( every living soul in all bodies- plants, animals and humans in material world are included in the list) want to enjoy separately from Lord. They revolt, why should they be obeying and serving- they want to be served as well. Lord is very merciful- He doesn't suppress their desire- Lord do not take back the free will He gave- so He leaves us to material world to let us enjoy accordingly to our wish. If u wished to fly for example, u get a body of bird, if u wished to have sexual pleasures u may be given body of elephant( cos in elephant community usually one male lords over a group of females) if u wished to eat a lot- u r given a body suitable to satisfy that desire most. From these bodies we pass over thousands and thousands of bodies to finally reach human body . ( Remember that none of the steps are irreversible- if one does some abominable sinful activity as a human he will get lower birth next life) Ya- so we come to this material world with the false ego- to be Lords and not servants. But our innate nature to serve remains - we see even cats and dogs caring for their young ones etc- still we , being clouded by the material modes of nature keep trying to be masters.
Lord Krsna explains to his dear friend Arjuna-''I am also the knower in all bodies, and to understand this body and its knower is called knowledge. That is My opinion.This body, O son of KuntÄ«, is called the field, and one who knows this body is called the knower of the field. (BG 13.2-3)The five great elements, false ego, intelligence, the unmanifested, the ten senses and the mind, the five sense objects, desire, hatred, happiness, distress, the aggregate, the life symptoms, and convictions — all these are considered, in summary, to be the field of activities and its interactions.(BG 13.6-7)The five great elements are a gross representation of the false ego, which in turn represents the primal stage of false ego technically called the materialistic conception, or intelligence in ignorance. This, further, represents the unmanifested stage of the three modes of material nature. (from purport by Srila Prabhupada).And Lord Krsna also declares that absence of ego is a symptom of knowledge.
So we clearly see that false ego is the intelligence in ignorance. Now are you disillusioned by the usage of phrase ''intelligence in ignorance"? Don't be- the 3 modes of nature are - Goodness, Passion and ignorance. We act on any of this platform while we are in the material world. When we do something out of true compassion, understanding the situation in its entirety, our position and deciding in proper consciousness- that is mode of goodness. When we do something to gain, to build, to possess, for opulence and power- that is said to be in mode of passion .Mode of ignorance is one in which we act without thinking, or without understanding the real situation or our position, not considering the consequences of action and with harmful intentions - then it is said to be in mode of ignorance. So intelligence in ignorance is explained on this ground- a person might be very intelligent- like those who planned the 9/11 attacks- it was brilliant brains- but can we say they are really intelligent? No- their intelligence is in mode of ignorance- whatever reason they did it for- since it was harming others, since it was so destructive- it is ignorant intelligence. So false ego is also like this - intelligence in ignorance. We are not realizing our true original position. We are identifying with the body and acting. Suppose we are in fancy dress competition wearing a Surgeons costume- it is fine as long as we realize its just the costume- but if we get carried away by it and try to do operations identifying oneself as surgeon- then it will wreck havoc for us and others around us- this is an example of false ego. We are not Indian or American or Male or female- these are like our costumes- when we start identifying with these costumes- we are said to be in false ego. Now let us examine how false ego is affecting us in gross manner- there is poverty in world since those in opulence are hoarding money. The rich people are making more and more money to store for their children and coming generations- they identify the particular body as "I"- and everything related as "my". There are wars between countries- cos men are wrongly patriotic, they want to possess more land, more power, more resources. Pakistan and India, America and Iraq- why, why are they in feud?India says Kashmir is mine and Pakistan says Kashmirs belongs to them- what fun! DOes land belong to anone? It is Gods possesion- we will live here and die. We dont possess anything. Can we stop wind from Pakistan from entering India, Birds from Pakistan from entering India? Humans are also Lords creation just like birds or animals- but having higher intelligence. So what is intelligent about fighing over possession of something which donot belong to either party? Can anyone take anything they win from these wars, when they leave body? So these are all the vices of false ego- It is this false ego that makes people fight, people jealous, revengeful, bitter- cos people simply want to establish they are great and worthy to be adored and served. They see themselves as independent entities worthy of being served. Lord not being a dictator allows us to continue this- to act according to our whims- till we surrender to Him. Lord has given promise that once we give up everything else and surrender to Him there is nothing we have to worry about- He will take care of us and it is said that once we return to Godhead we will be forever placed- we will never fall down again- Thats understandable- Once bitten twice shy.
So the whole point of human life is to escape - to rescue ourselves from the false ego and be seated in our constitutional position. All the problems in this world can be solved by simply understanding the principle that we are not masters.What seems to belong to us now- is temporary- we are keeper- not owner. We cannot have control over many things in life- if we understand this plain , simple and obvious fact- half the battle is won. It is not that our parents want us to spend time uselessly on pointless pursuits- they did not buy computer for us to play computer game without any regulation or to browse internet without monitoring- but still most kids do- Lord did not make us wrongly egoistic - but we perverted and used a gift of our identity.We are being the stubborn, ignorant children of a very loving, wise Father. By understanding these points- we can win over false ego to good extend and thats why spread of Krsna consciousness can aid in world peace and harmony. If world takes up Krsna consciousness, people would be trying to serve each other, please each other- happy at another's gain, happy at another's fortune- always giving and never demanding!Let us all unanimously Chant "Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare" and be forever Blissfully happy!
Friday, December 01, 2006
Dream Come True !!!

Do you believe in fairy tales?
I do!
Do you believe in dreams coming true?
I do!
And Do you believe in guardian angels?
I do!
Well you must be wondering if I am some crazy eccentric professor; to ask so many questions and then give answers on my own- I am not. I am a young lady being really happy for the way Lord is providing ! I met my guardian angel in person. OK, for those who don't know- let me explain- and those who know, please bear with me as I narrate.
Approximately 1000 days back, I was wandering inside the anonymous maze of virtual space- Taking break from the schedules that had become boring. I was an aspiring devotee ( still am) yearning for some association of like minded souls. Now don't think I was very silent, very reserved, totally religious or fanatic person- I was very talkative, very active and really friendly person. But in the depth of my heart I knew life's aim is not to spent it in materialistic pursuits, trying to bring the world under ones feet. I was spending most of my time reading about Lord,also about various religions and philosophies. And I met my angel in the most unexpected place- among a group of amateur singers. I was skeptical at first, apprehensive about strangers online, but someone in my heart said- ''go on- accept the hand of friendship''. Thats one decision I will never repent in my life. We became friends, close friends and then best friends. My angel was (is) a good devotee- with limitless patience and love, I was taught the basics of devotional service. At that point of life- I had been carried away by the philosophy of monism. So I first saw my angels views as childish and immature; I thought '' OK! as time unfolds I will show what true knowledge is''. But my Lord had not planned to keep me in ignorance for long - so Lord did not blind my eyes to truth; instead He granted me a receptive ear to receive the knowledge. Since I was in awe, reverence and love for my angel- I kept on listening patiently and asking doubts whenever I had any. I asked numerous doubts- more than an average person can tolerate. But since my guide was not mere human, but really an angel- I got answers- repeatedly- time and again; with no tinge of irritation or mockery.
Slowly it began to dawn to me- I was the foolish, immature one- all the 13- 14 years I spend in reading about philosophy was waste....I could have utilized it best by reading about my Lord....but well! what was past, was past and I was happy to hear about real knowledge at least now. My angel is a research scholar- PhD student- and you will know what compromise was made in life to accept and fit me in there. I was given on an average 2-3 hours a day- I could share all my personal problems, academic problems, social problems and spiritual queries. Sometimes my angel called me and read Srimad Bhagawatam or Bhagavad Gita; I was reminded about every Ekadasis and other special days. And so on life moved... days passed one after another; scenarios of life kept changing. people came and people left, exams came and results published... life kept on moving. I felt safe in my angels protection, I knew whatever went wrong I have my angel to hold on- and this was firm- cos I believed that my angel was sent by Lord since I am very childish and in need of protection. Our relation evolved gradually- from apprehension to acceptance, friendship,awe, respect, trust, love and faith. Through many many difficult phases in life- I did not feel threatened since my angel kept giving me courage through words from scriptures and wisdom therein.
All this kept happening- without having personally seen my angel even once.
And after many eventful days-after a long waiting period- I finally met my angel in person. It was so natural, so much in place. I did not feel like I have never met before- rather I felt like I have been living with my angel every day. There was no element of apprehension, uneasiness or artificiality- just like a reunion of old friends. So much joy and happiness, love and laughter and everything else good. The week passed at lightening speed. My angel took my hand and gave me strength, looked into my eyes and melted all fear, patted me and assured everything to be fine. We went out with my sister,to temple, to beach, to shops and many more places. Most of them did not make much difference to me since the presence of my angel was so overpowering that every other factors passed into oblivion.My angel went back, leaving behind a lot of colourful memories to cherish.
I am a happier person and I want to thank my Lord for the blessing. I am really unworthy recipient of this mercy and love but still my Lord disregard it. I have no qualification to even acquaint with my angel, but I am let to be. I understand the purpose of sending angel into my life- I am such a foolish person that I might have not accepted the nectar of devotional service through some other source. I had been proud of my understanding of monism and merging with Supreme effulgence. I was so stubborn to let any other explanation bother my mind. But my Lord did not let me live and die in the depth of folly- He mercifully extended His Lotus Hands to rescue me from my ignorance,through my angel. I cannot repay the kindness, all I can do is faithfully obey and practice all that has been taught to me.
''Dear Lord- I pray that my life be spent in Your service and Your devotees'. Whatever material miseries I have to face- let me go through them holding Unto You. I am a forgetful soul, totally foolish and egoistic, but please don't let me forget You- Only You can help me remember You always. Let no time in my life be spent without Your Lotus feet in my inner eyes. May my eyes see nothing but You, Your Paraphernalia and Your Pure Devotees, May I learn to see You in every atom of creation every moment of my life. For the kindness You bestow upon me- I can never return anything, but my Lord- let me remain Your servant all my life and beyond it. Please employ me in Your mission, empower me to spread the glory of Holy name, grant me taste in Holy name. No misery is greater than my forgetfulness about You and hence Lord- please don't let me forget You. Grant me the Love for You and make my life meaningful!''
Yes- I am a truly lucky girl. And I believe in fairy tales; in dreams coming true ;and in guardian angels.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Preacher Vs Social Worker
I am frequently bombarded with a host of questions when I disclose that I am an aspiring devotee, believing in principles of Vaishnavism and more recently ,ISKCON. People at large and especially the so- called educated sections of society, discard religion as a mere superstition and call spiritual seekers fanatists. I do agree to the point that, in todays world religion has more or less become business and a remarkable source of easy money. But that doesnt mean there is no true religion. The contemporary thinkers vehemently argue that religion is not the solution to the world's problems- rather religion itself is part of the problem. Society oppose young men and women spending time in temples, listening to discourses or chanting- instead people want them to be out on roads, cleaning garbages ( a job kept to be done on Gandhi Jayanti by college students) feeding masses, rehabilitating orphans, widows or elderly; to mention a few. People want councelling and de-addiction centers, schools and colleges, dispensaries and hospitals. Now let us look into these matter more deeply.
I would recall a remarkable quote- If one asks you food, do not just give him food, rather teach him a job so that he may never have to beg again. This is a point to ponder upon. No matter how zealously you try to fill in a broken pot, unless you mend the broken part, the water would just flow out. And that is what preaching is based upon. For hundreds of centuries,social reformers and well wishers have tried the traditional methods of social service. They fed the poor, clothed the deprived and healed the sick. They taught the illiterate to read and gave shelter to orphans and destitute. After all these, world is still swarming with more orphans, criminals and sick. That is why we have to examine, where the mistake is. Inspite of all good intentions and wonderful work, what is it that we are missing out? There has to be an important lead that we are constantly ignoring.
Now, we would explore the causes of the above mentioned problems. What is the cause of poverty, criminality or abandon? What makes children orphans; women unchaste; and elderly homeless? When we identify these underlying causes we can find a solution to them- Identifying them is the sealing of the broken pot which is our world! There is a saying- A man is richest whose pleasures are cheapest. And we have to agree, its true. That is what Vaishnavism teaches us- to live a simple life. Get up early, cleanse your body with water and mind with prayers, eat vegetarian food,and give respect to those worthy of it. Do not intoxicate - donot drink, smoke or engage in any other addictive substance abuse. Do not gamble. Do not have illicit sex. It is as simple as that. Vaishnavism is not a herculean task to take up- it doesnt ask you to abandon your duties and to meditate on snowcapped mountains or caves; it doesnt ask you to torture your body through continous fasting and austerities- Nothing tedious! We just ask you to follow the basic 4 regulative principles- and that is precisely what we preach.
If we look carefully enough we can see that if these four regulative principles are followed- automatically all other social causes are addressed. Like for example- Let us consider one by one- Vegetarianism. We preach to young and old alike to take a vegetarian life style. I would enumerate its benefits. Anyone who has passed 8th grade would know about the food chain. Food chain works this way precisely- 10% of energy from that last component is transferred to the next.
For example: Sun- grass-goat-Man. Grass recieves solar energy and 10% of it is transferred to usable energy by the grass. Now goat eats this grass- which can again take 10 % of whatever energy the grass has- which is just 1% of initial energy spend. Then comes the man- who can take further 10% of whatever energy the goat has- which is just 0.1% of solar energy. If we skip the goat and take the plant food directly- we get 10 times increase of energy intake. Instead of having large ranches to grow cattles that are then slaughtered for human consumption, grow cereals and fruits there. This will permanently address the food shortage problem. Another aspect in food chain is bio-magnification; which is the geometric progression of harmful substances' concentration in each successive level of food chain. Lower we are in food chain, lesser is the amount of poisonous substance we recieve in our system. Recent studies have very well proved that most of the diseases in todays world is either due to life style problems or are psychosomatic disorders( which means diseases starting from disturbed mind). Opting for a Vaishnav lifestyle will correct these complaints automatically and permanently. May I politely point out that Vegetarianism is not just propogated by Vaishnavism- but is also very clearly mentioned in bible as well. Let me quote from bible '' God said-'I give You every seed-bearing plant on the face of whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.'' Genesis 1.29
For a long time it was advocated that animal proteins are an integral part of meal plan to have a healthy body. But research studies have disowned this argument with enough substantiation.For example people using plant protein lose less calcium from the bones. According to an article in 2002 July 15 edition of Time magazine, consuming more plant food reduces risk for many diseases including heart disease, obesity, cancers to name a few. The conclusion is that by adopting a vegetarian life style we can have lesser sick people and almost no hungry ones- which is a major concern of all the social workers since time immemorial.
Now, let us examine the importance of being away from intoxication. Why do people resort to intoxication- either for fun or to escape from the realities of life and sometimes to prove that one is ''cool''. Intoxication results in higher rate of criminality, accidents, immoral behaviour and heightened tendency of aggression in general. When one is intoxicated, it makes one lose control of oneself- our response time increases and we experience hallucinations or illusions. Moreover it increases domestic violence, chances of marital problems and anxiety in family , not to mention the loss of money. The preachers of ISKCON convince young people not to be addicted to these. Devotees realise that no matter how many de-addiction centres are opened, unless the source is sealed - all the endeavour is wasted. That is precisely why we spend so much of time, energy and money on preaching. We are more concerned about not having another person fall into these death traps- when that arrangement is made , then it is intelligent to open de-addiction centres to rescue those who are already in it. We urge people to realise their value, we tell them that they have a special life and a sacred mission. Life is not to be wasted away. We make them realise the worth of their life. We ask them to seek happiness within- and not in the outside world. Isnt that a more lasting solution than opening countless de-addiction and councelling centers?
People lose their lives savings by engaging in speculative games and gambling. Moreover gambling is a game where the driving force is laziness and lethargy- one wants to make money without doing any work. We preach against it. Believe in yourself and in the Absolute power. Do what you are supposed to do and leave the rest to Lord. Do not do empty speculations. We want to protect the masses from this camouflaged criminal, which is gambling. Gambling bring people to streets, make them homeless and sometimes even mad. People go insane on realising that just one wrong step has cost them their lifetime earning. People become disillusioned and aggressive - and hence we preach against it.
Now comes the last,but very important principle- No illicit sex. Unregulated sexuality is a major cause of disintegration of human society. It gives rise to orphans, prostitutes and diseases. It makes the society sick. Man comes down to the status of beasts- all he want is instant gratification of his carnal pleasures. Women become unchaste and families are shattered. Children are borne of unknown parentage. These children spend their childhood in ridicule and shame, which later results in making them criminals. AIDS has become one of the prime focus of the entire medical faculty. It makes me gape in disbelief to see that what they advocate is ''safe sex''. They are dispensing condoms freely- and here in America, high school restrooms have condoms for free. Many places in India have condom vending machines - in parks, bus stations and railway stations!!!! Are we humans, animals- to have such an unregulated sex life? I see scores of social workers working in NGO's, convincing people to use condoms and also distributing them for free. Is this intelligence? Is this the solution? The solution is to awaken the consciousness of masses- to make them realise the importance of being faithful to one's spouse, to convince the importance of being celibate until marriage. That alone can address this problem PERMANENTLY. So by preaching against illicit sex, devotess find solution to the problems of orphanage and destitute homes. We find a lasting way to put halt to the growing epidemic of sexual diseases. We decrease the chances for marital conflicts due to cheating and consequently help in making a healthy society. Simply dressing up the wounds forever can't really help- we have to permanently heal them and thats what preachers are trying to achieve. And the good part is - by these small changes in our lives we can find solution to most social problems.As Thoreau said-I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestioned ability of a man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor.
So the bottom line is- preacher is also a social worker and more importantly, he is a social worker not only for today, but for all times to come. He is helping heal a sick society today and also making a healthy one for future. He looks at life with deeper foresight and try to mend it in the prescribed ways of authentic knowledge. Since the conventional social work has not established anything lasting - why not try this time tested one?
H.G Gauranga Prabhu once gave a very interesting example. Some students were doing experiment to find out the gravitational constant''g'''. All of them were getting various values and one student was particularly adamant to do the experiment without any mistakes. After being convinced that he has done a very worthy experiment in a meticulous way - he addressed the class to approve his finding. Proudly he proclaimed- ''the value of ''g'' is 10.8 and this is ultimate''. All his classmates just laughed at him and dismissed his new finding- convinced that Newton has proved it to be 9.8 and He is the authority in gravitational studies. Students knew their senses are imperfect, their instruments are imperfect and the error factor creeping in is so high, to let the found value to be considered absolute. The same principle works in spirituality and life in general too. Our senses are imperfect- so is our intellect and mental faculty- but we have realisations and directions from a Higher authority which has been proved right, time and again- that is what we should follow. And that is what preachers are trying to do. Preachers try to impart the knowledge locked in the vedic wisdom. Vaishnav teaching are so profoundly simple that one may easily overlook their elegance. Let us not fall prey to that, let us determinedly bring them upon in our daily life and reform the world around. All preachers are social workers, but all social workers are not essentially preachers.
''To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge.'' Benjamin Disraeli.
We are all ignorant, we all are empty vessels- but thats a good thing- since it means we have ample scope to learn and fill. If we submissively try to learn the wisdom of great teachers of past , coupled with God's grace - we need nothing more to perfect our life. If all those who came to understand the importance of preaching, preached- the world has ample to hope for- a happy, healthy and peaceful tommorrow!
Friday, October 06, 2006
Torn Apart

Life is so complex- its intimidating. It may be because I am so fallen, puffed up and in illusion. But what I see when I look at my life is- a mess. I am torn apart between commitments and convictions, between righteousness and dedication, between love and like. Somethings in life are to be wished for, some to be possessed and some to be discarded- though inevitably, as time unveils, everything will be lost. Yet, in the depth of heart, a lonely dove cooed - yearning for a love that will never fulfill.
If I marry I know I will be a good wife, an abiding in-law and a marvellous mother- I might realise that marriage is not always a dream come true- it is rather a product of painstaking adjustments, dedicated commitments and a lot of understanding. It thrives in everyday dealings- a dash of argument at times colouring up the way, an unprecedented guest sometimes warming up the day or the relief of finding a warm hand when you wake up from a night mare. I won't be given a perfect person, but I can try to make a wonderful marriage. He could be short tempered, impatient or too career minded- but someday soon I may discover he is spiritual inside and loves art and music. Let me try to live one day at a time and may I outlive the past to reach a future close. Let me accept the fact that its not so important to dictate how one want to be loved; rather the beauty of love is to realise no matter how- but you are immensely loved. . Let me try to realise the truth of life and who I really am- caring too much about the etiquettes of world- may I not forget to relish the pudding I'm served!!!
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Enigma Called Life !

Life is a gift- I heard people say- I believed them since I was innocent. I looked around to see flowers, children and butterflies. I saw a perfect gift when I recalled my friends, family and all the love they share. Foolish- I was! Confused myself between reality and illusion. But how could I be blamed - Lord had arranged situations for me that were so good. My naive heart hoped it would be so till the end of Life. But obviously- Life had other plans. Life had to jolt me out of this unrealistic aspiration and as days went by, I started noticing that gift of life is not so perfect after all. People who I held close sometimes vanished - later I came to know - its called death. I wondered ''Why do people die?'' I like everyone to be there always. When I grew up more I read about poverty, terrorism and wars. Not all kids slept on bed, nor did all have food to eat. Strong oppressed the weak, rich cashed upon the poor and powerful conquered the powerless. Life was not so fair after all.
Though these realizations were brought without much disturbance of the personal sphere of comfort, life soon showed me everything is not so well, even in the small circle I exist. I saw people fighting between each other for pointless reasons, relations shattered for a bundle of currency, trust betrayed and hearts broken. But yet- I saw around- people just were too optimistic. They looked forward for the life to change into the wonderful gift they heard about as children. Almost Everyone believed in Higher Power, Higher Intelligence and Divine Interventions- but they had different priorities than to actively pursue spiritual life. Old age or after retirement there is so much time to spend exclusively on spiritual quest, people vainly calculated. Life's milestones passed one by one- but not many realized that death is coming nearer and nearer. I saw people sympathizing for the young man who passed away in a bike accident or the child who drowned while swimming. People went on diets and exercise programs- seeing middle aged men dying of heart attack or stroke, but I saw no one realize that their chance may be next.
What is old age? Greying of hair? Wrinkles? Losing of teeth, vision or hearing? Alzheimer s??? None! The most sensible explanation of old age I have heard, is from HG Gauranga Prabhu- that Old age is nothing but the proximity to death. Or at least the practical definition of old age is the proximity to death since some of the readers might counter argue that what about a five year old dying? Can it be said the child passed away in old age? No- in theoretical sense and literal meaning the child passed away in his boyhood- but in absolute terms if we assess, by plotting a graph of his life and dividing it into equal segments, then yes- he died in that last part of the the graph. And the last part is termed old age. In Mahabharata there is a situation when King Yuddhistira is asked questions by Dharmadev- what is it that King Yuddhishtir finds most amazing about this world. And He replies that it is the human nature, which in spite of seeing so may people die day after day still considers that death will not attack him any time soon. This is so very true. We always expect only others to die- not our beloved, not ourselves.
From the time we are born, we are looking up to life to fulfill some desires, some aspirations- the hope of finding everlasting happiness and never disturbed peace. When we are children we think once we finish school its blissful life in college,but then we realize we need more. When we do our graduation , we think getting a job is the best thing to make life perfect. Once we land on a job, we realize that life is still not perfect- we need someone to share our life and then starts the hunt for the ideal match. Later we realize that after all this scrutinized selection of spouse there is still discord, there is fight and jealousy. We assume that lack of kids is what makes all the problems and prepare to have kids. When kids come we have desire to see them in good school, best college and grand job. We want to see the child married and then to see grandchildren. Life is spent thinking that possessing something more will make us happy and satisfied- but no!!! Life never become perfect or at least the illusion of perfection don't stay long.We see that it is a foolish quest- a wild goose chase- searching for fountain of water, in the most arid desert. Walking through life, I realized that all those words about life being gift was just a lie- a blatant lie that was sarcastically laughing at me as I tried to pursue it.
Life moved on and I kept searching for a happiness that would be everlasting. I made friends, did charity work, was active socially- but still happiness eluded me. I studied well, participated in extra curricular activities and developed polished behavior- but still happiness was nowhere to be seen. My pursuit of happiness seemed to be never ending- until I stumbled upon the nectarine association of a devotee. Holding those hands I started to explore the highest philosophy of all- I came to know about service to Lord, our position as eternal servants of Lord. I realized that my desire to lord it over material nature was the reason that made me desperate and in constant agony. I came to know about the modes of material nature- the modes of ignorance, passion and goodness- and their statures in human life. I heard from authorities the instructions to overcome these modes and be situated at least in mode of goodness. If you are wondering why I said ''at least mode of goodness''; it is because we have to transcend even the mode of goodness to properly understand the philosophy of devotional service.
At first I was confused- since I had fed my mind with every possible theories based on monism- I wanted to become one with Lord. So I was not sure if taking to devotional life was better option. But I took up chanting- "just for the heck of it" -in youngster's language. But yes- the transcendental vibration did have effects- I slowly began to understand the philosophy. Now you should not interpret my understanding philosophy as realizing it- there is a gulf of difference. Every alcoholic knows that drinking alcohol is injurious to health- but does it stop him from drinking? No! I was (am) also foolish- I understood about the ephemeral nature of life, the pointlessness in sense gratification and the fundas of Karmic reactions- still I had some expectations from life and some desires- though their strength had greatly decreased. After two years of reading and chanting, I got opportunity to serve devotees and then I started to realize the practical applicability of the Bhakti Yoga.
I once heard about Prahlad Maharaj intructing His schoolmates from Srimad Bhagawatam. And with wonder I realised how true it is-let me share with you:
SB 7.6.6: Every human being has a maximum duration of life of one hundred years, but for one who cannot control his senses, half of those years are completely lost because at night he sleeps twelve hours, being covered by ignorance. Therefore such a person has a lifetime of only fifty years.
SB 7.6.7: In the tender age of childhood, when everyone is bewildered, one passes ten years. Similarly, in boyhood, engaged in sporting and playing, one passes another ten years. In this way, twenty years are wasted. Similarly, in old age, when one is an invalid, unable to perform even material activities, one passes another twenty years wastefully.
SB 7.6.8: One whose mind and senses are uncontrolled becomes increasingly attached to family life because of insatiable lusty desires and very strong illusion. In such a madman's life, the remaining years are also wasted because even during those years he cannot engage himself in devotional service.
I have already lost 20 precious years and I don't know how long I would live. I do not wish to be mad, nor do I wish to stay foolish.I have began to taste the happiness- by simply doing service. I can do service all day long without any food even and still not feel tired. The more service I do , the more glad I became. The more I stretch my limits to serve, the more satisfied I felt. I am amazed- it doesn't work this way usually- working makes one tired. And I am here - exerting all day long and feeling stronger and happier than ever.My sweet Lord Sri Krsna was letting me see for real the magic of devotional service. He was kindly showing me that if I look in proper place- with proper guide- I can find true happiness even in this world. When Lord or His devotees come in, then immediately whatever situation it is, becomes transcendentally blissful. My mind is still so foolish, it has not developed attachment to Holy name and Lord- but Krsna is All Merciful- He guides me through His Words as scriptures and as Guru in parampara. Walking in the desert of material life I have found the oasis of devotional life. I no longer need to run behind the mirages, I can simply remain happy by serving Lord and His devotees. I have no qualification to serve- but the mercy of Lord Chaitanya and devotees encompass me and let me serve. I have realized this is the way of being satisfied, I just need to get rid of my false ego and other anarthas. I just need to get the mercy of Lord and Guru - nothing more for a perfect life. And yes- now again I have begun to believe the verse- Life is a gift- Yes Human life truly is a gift, only if we know how to live it well. Our gift would be perfect if we simply engage in remembering Lord, chanting His names and serving Lord and His devotees. I hope I never forget this- Illusion of this world is so strong, but I am clutching the lotus feet of Lord's devotees, to keep me safe, to let me make the life a real gift, indeed!
Friday, April 28, 2006
My Guardian Angel!
I am very thankful to Lord for all that He provided and denied, I have everything I need and most things I wished. I pen this blog to share about a blessing that Lord send my way , whose value I can never assess, whose love I trust upon and without who I wud be very different from what I am now. I have always heard of guardian angels , but had no clue that Lord would send such an angel for me, with whom I could converse, whom I could love and even fight at times. My angel coaxed me to change my bad ways, reinforced the good ones and always stood by my side. I was taught to pray, I was taught to think,I was taught to Love genuinely. I have always been very loving person, but I loved always for the wrong reason, I got attached to people a lot and got hurt in many relations. My angel taught me why I should Love, and whats the purpose of living in this world. I came to know about my real Home, I came to know about my real Love and my need to go back Home.
By the way, do not think my angel has nothing else to do other than to take care of me... not at all... there are numerous chores that need immediate attention, deadlines to be met, phonecalls to be returned and meetings to be attended. My angel is busier than most of us but still , inspite of all the rush, I am given my share of time. And i should also confess that I am a very unworthy recipient of the magnanimous Love that I am showered upon, I fight unnecessarily when sometimes our meeting is cancelled; I make a hue and cry over the letter that just couldnt be send for lack of time..... yet my angel patiently deals with me.... Now dont assume its always with the tenderness and softness that we usually relate with angels... no.... ! My angel deals firmly when i need to be chastised, sometimes I even feel I am unjustly dealt with !!! But I later realise that each and every incident just made me a better person ,more matured and level- headed.
I seldom say out how much I consider myself lucky for the wonderful association I am blessed with. I many times treat my angel in a very regular way, not at all like the majestic treatment that is deserved rightly; I many times reiterates same mistakes,same silliness- I am thankful that I am dealt with so much love and patience.
" You may not say that you love me, explicitly- but in your own special tender ways, everyday I experience it. I am the luckiest person for having known you so close..... for being able to atleast start the process of worshipping The Supreme Lord and I want to thank you for all those spoken and unspoken words that lit my way to Him."I want to thank My Lord for having given me such a wonderful angel for me to know more about Him. I know I do very many things that irritates and makes one wonder If I am senseless. I know I many times act up so childish and so foolishly. But its just because I know that inspite of all this insufficiencies in me i will not be abandoned. I very well foresee that my angel will have to leave me and go away when the time comes, I always pray that I be given right intelligence so that I realise the purpose why my angel was sent. I hope I have the power not to sulk and brood over when my angel is no longer present near me- that will only disappoint, since its against the doctrinesI was taught about. I want to serve My Lord and want to get back to my Home .... I know my angel will be There when i reach Back and together I hope we will have a wonderful time again together, serving His Lordship and all His Blessed Devotees.
"I wish you everything good this earthly life has to offer, I send your way my prayers that You reach the Ultimate aim of Life and I offer you everything I have at your service."
Monday, March 06, 2006
Life's way!

OK Listen, today I want to share with you an interesting fact- well- its about tongue. Tongue is a totally muscular organ which when not controlled can get all your bones broken ! Though I was joking there is a glimpse of truth in it.
If we are observant enough we can see a general pattern in all of creation- fingerprint of the Supreme Father. Electrons revolve around nucleus and earth around Sun; cells come together to form tissue and tissues join to form muscles, the seasonal cycle and the cycle of life- everything follows a certain discipline.
I have been a medical student,more than that I have been eager to understand the ancient wisdom of sages and Guru Parampara. India once had just one relegion- the Sanatan Dharma- this was a composite and complete code of life- how to live in a way that is best for oneself, one's family, society and universe as a whole. It was based on truth, righteousness and piety. Religion was not gimmick- it was integral part of life. And donot misinterpret religion as the fanatism one sees in the name of it in today's world- Religion was rather a mature understanding of one's constitutional position as Lord's servants; religion was the complete surrender after realising one's total helplessness in the face of life.
Lord Himself revealed how He expect us to behave to free ourselves from the unending cycle of birth and death - this wisdom is passed on from generation to generation through an accepted pathway of disciplic succession. Now please pay attention to the fact that though I used the word "Lord expect "- that expectation is not at all to be taken the way it is used in mundane dealings. Lord is complete and absolute on His own- He needs nothing from Us- He is self satisfied- He Himself is the absolute Pleasure and Bliss. But just like how a father wants his son to study well- not because it will benefit father- but for the love of son ,father wants the son to be most productive and shows him the way to be so.
It is revealed that the life we live in this world- or any world , anywhere in the universe- is a product of illusionary energy of Lord. All the lives in material world are here since they wanted to be independent from Lord, they wanted to enjoy away from Lord- and the ever so benevolent that the Supreme Father is- He let us the way we wished.The illusionary energy- called Maya- is like a kidnapper; She allures the child showing various toys and slowly slowly wean him away from the protective hands of Father. Child is not bothered whether he is safe in a stranger's association- He is blinded from everything except the toy that has caught his attention. Inevitably when the child is sufficiently away from father- the stranger starts showing the real face. Toys are now no more there and the child is tortured miserably. Same thing happens with us- Maya takes us away from the Supreme Lord - tempting us with various promises- a good career, a great life partner or the promise of social recognition and fame. Trying to pursue all these, we stray away from Lord, rather unknowingly but steadily we make these illusions the centre of our life.
"That person who runs here and there seeking to gratify his tongue and who is always attached to the desires of his stomach and genitals is unable to attain Krsna." CC- Antya 6.227
The same pattern- the working of Maya - is illustrated in the functional style of tongue. The tip of the tongue is more equipped with taste buds to detect sweetness; which means if anything has even subtle property of sweetness - as soon as ur tongue tip comes in contact with it- it makes us feel- "Oh Good- This is sweet- let me go ahead and eat it" But more is to be revealed- just beyond the tip is t he region to detect saltness. Well a bit of salt always add to taste, so we are encouraged to relish it more. Then as you move deeper- it becomes sour - which may start interfering with our previously percieved tastes. It might be a little odd- but yea- sour is not so bad afterall. But when you get really in- to the most interior parts of ur tongue- thats the region for bitter taste. Maya works the same way- it at first temptates you- showing the so-called brighter aspects of material life but when you try to relish it- it just reveals its insufficiency. You love someone thinking he/she is perfect- but as one start living together you get to see the not so good aspects. You work all your way thru your childhood and adolescence to get a good job- you study longer to get an even better job- thinking "ÖK Once i am there, I can sit back and enjoy" But the miseries always follow- the miseries due to body, due to mind or due to nature. We just can't do anything to escape from them. If you wish to swim in ocean but don't expect water to touch you- it is foolishness. Same way If we are in material world its foolish of us to wish for a perpetually happy life.
Lord is showing us in subtle ways and obvious ways about the nature of the material world. If we have to be happy , we have to get back to our constitutional position. Well- dont think I am in my constitutional position. I am trying to be - I am far far from it.. but I just wanted to share with you..... the trick of the illusionary energy, Maya. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu tried to awaken all of us - asking us to wake up from the slumber in the lap of the witch called Maya. Mahamantra can release us from this misery- it alone can.....
Let us all chant Mahamantra and be happy and be saved from this miserable world.
Monday, February 27, 2006

~ Unknown ~
The words that I will lay out here
Shall not be called so- I forewarn;
They are pictures drawn upon
Sand of time with bleeding heart.
The thoughts that i show you now,
Are not just thoughts , let me be clear
These are tears and sighs so true..
Keep silence; you'll hear them cry.
These requests are not requests
But they are my prayers so pure
Please my Lord, Grant me Love
I am so deeply lost in illusion.
All Through I knew it well
Love is meant for You alone
And yet being in maya's clasp
I loved and still do- someone deep.
When "we" started I knew well
Nothing would just bring upon
A life for me and him together
A life when I could say he's mine!
Yet we loved like none else would
He took me like a new bloomed flower
Ever so cautious to keep me safe
Ever so caring to hurt me not.
Inspite of me, my own self
Inspite of all the grim days sure
I just could not love him less
Day by day- i grew attached.
Now , Like a kid on top
Of ladder tall and upright held-
One by one she climbed so well
But climbing down seesm so scary.
Oh My Lord of all things true,
Please please make me strong- I beg,
Someday he would have to go
Let me strength to see him go.
Please make me know that its OK
I will always have You- sure!
No matter how bad I am
You will always Love me true.
Let these tears i let go now
Beg You pardon for being so,
But still inspite of all this mess,
My Lord! I dont love him less.
Krsna, are you not Charmer?
You charm the heart of Cupid too
Please please take my heart away,
Please free me from all dismay.
I know this well, if I did hanker,
So much for You, the Lord of Lords
You would have whisked me from this world
And unbound me from Karmic Laws.
Lord, I am the most fallen
Lord I know I am weakest one
Please help me and guide me right
Please free me from this worldly woe.
I think I've my heart well hurt,
Good payback for doing wrong
And yet I cry out to you, now Lord
I am still not glad- please help me.
Help me Lord to love You true,
Help me Lord to love him right
He should be for me, that u say
Grant me boon to see it well.
Thank You Lord for letting me
Traverse this way and be all bold
Test of fire is so crucial
To make an ore to purest gold!
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Confused mind

I sometimes wonder at the insufficiency of the world around... true that it can make us feel that there is nothing more we could aspire for..... in the sense- when we have a good family a nice surrounding, more than enough income - sometimes it does make us feel we r blessed and want to be so forever and ever.... Well nothing is forever , thats one part.. more importantly we ourselves would quite soon find us in a position that is in total contrast with the current pleasant situation.. that is the nature of this world. And yet, yet we try to believe that someday we would be perfectly satisfied by this world. I have been fortunate enuf to atleast "know" what is right and whats wrong.. what is good and what is not... still many times i stay for the easier option- preferring not to disturb or go out of my comfort zone. When many a times inspite of knowing what is right we settle for less because of our lethargy- Krsna says Lethargy and laziness are very bad vices....that always we should be engaged in doing Karma with a proper mindset - not with the feeling of I or being the doer, but as the instrument carrying out Lord's Will. It is very easy to think about this when i am sitting here and typing away..... a lot more difficult is to implement it in day to day life....
I wonder if being in this profession is what i really wanted.... I go to college out of obligation, cos there isnt a choice left over that.. but i am starting to wonder if i shud have been engaged in something that gave me satisfaction- like literary pursuits.Yes, I do like to heal, I do like to alleviate the suffering of ailing lot..... but... this is such a drag..... i feel many insufficiencies in the theories and methodology.... and moreover the course is so long.. i donot want to be dependent so long...... i want to do something to start my life ... i want to be engaged in serious devotional life.. no no- I don't mean to run away from all my responsibilities and say I am a devotee.. no!- thats not what i mean.. I wonder if i can make a living out of writing and studying literature that will bring true healing for the suffering of whole humanity. I want to recieve as well as spread the Mercy of Sri Chaitanya and Krsna and all the masters of disciplic succession.... I hope Krsna guides me.. I am wondering now as of what i ca do what i shud not...... I hope Krsna tells me... I hope the noise of my mind is hushed and all I hear is the eternal music from His Divine Flute.. I want to melt away in His melody all the material connections and be engaged, truly ,truly engaged in the Service of Lord and His Devotees.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
My Sweet Lord !

This is a poem written some weeks back.. its a li'l long than usual ones... but I hope you would enjoy reading this....... Offering this as a tribute of love to the sweetest Lord of all worlds....
Oh Lord! the Sweet Lord of Lords,
To You I pay my humble obeisances,
Upon Thy Feet I offer fragrant flowers,
Unto You I offer freshly churned butter.
When You let me off to this world so dark,
I rem'mber You gifted me an admirable gift
Wanting to enjoy apart from You
The Lord of Mercy You let me do the same.
Wrapped in a golden covering
You granted me gift called Free Will
Elated i was- i suppose,
Glad to go my way.
Roads I traversed in plenty
Some paths were strewn with flowers,
I immersed myself in mundane joys,
And not thought of You even once.
Some roads were laced with danger
The thorns of Karmic Law
When ill fate bounced upon me
I wondered 'loud "But why Lord me?"
Dark roads that made me stumble
Made my thoughts turn to You,
Alas! that moment apart
I fell back to my bad old ways.
One wrong succeeded next fault,
The sin of spiteful envy
The sin of name and glory
The sin of selfishness.
I went behind ephemeral shadows,
Assuming them to be best
Not once did I ever realise
That its all but Your expertise.
How can I yearn for shadows?
Why dont I crave for sun?
Hundred crore suns ane but nothing
And I am still groping in dark for candle.
A moment I say "Yes these are mine"
And proudly boast off on worldly stage,
Next moment I cry out in despair,
"Oh but why had it now gone?"
I vainly propounded ownership
I wished for worthy Love
Little did ignorant I knew,
Only You know how to Love true.
Yes! my most Majestic Lordship,
I give up my hope in this world,
My only guide shall be Thy Footsteps,
My only light- Your Lotus eyes.
With all the sighs of an erred young child,
WHo wronged her benevolent mom
'Here I am'- the Lord of all Gopis,
I come to surrender my soul.
I've burned my hand in the pyre of world,
The free will is just too short- sighted,
Trying to enjoy away from You,
I realise it just cant be.
My Lord is the treasure of all joy,
The key to the world of true bliss.
My Lord is the Lorsdhip of all Gods,
My Lord is the one to be Served.
Ah! so glad I am, back to be here,
To be a speck of dust of Your Feet,
And I place with utmost reverence
The Gift of Free will on Thy Feet.
"No Lord- not anymore"
I need not,this crazy horse,
I'm happy to be just ruled by You,
I'm glad to be Your unpaid maid.
This 'free will' was gifted why,
I recieved an answer now.
You gave me the gift of free will
To let me realise i need none.
Just as the way a loving dad
To You I pay my humble obeisances,
Upon Thy Feet I offer fragrant flowers,
Unto You I offer freshly churned butter.
When You let me off to this world so dark,
I rem'mber You gifted me an admirable gift
Wanting to enjoy apart from You
The Lord of Mercy You let me do the same.
Wrapped in a golden covering
You granted me gift called Free Will
Elated i was- i suppose,
Glad to go my way.
Roads I traversed in plenty
Some paths were strewn with flowers,
I immersed myself in mundane joys,
And not thought of You even once.
Some roads were laced with danger
The thorns of Karmic Law
When ill fate bounced upon me
I wondered 'loud "But why Lord me?"
Dark roads that made me stumble
Made my thoughts turn to You,
Alas! that moment apart
I fell back to my bad old ways.
One wrong succeeded next fault,
The sin of spiteful envy
The sin of name and glory
The sin of selfishness.
I went behind ephemeral shadows,
Assuming them to be best
Not once did I ever realise
That its all but Your expertise.
How can I yearn for shadows?
Why dont I crave for sun?
Hundred crore suns ane but nothing
And I am still groping in dark for candle.
A moment I say "Yes these are mine"
And proudly boast off on worldly stage,
Next moment I cry out in despair,
"Oh but why had it now gone?"
I vainly propounded ownership
I wished for worthy Love
Little did ignorant I knew,
Only You know how to Love true.
Yes! my most Majestic Lordship,
I give up my hope in this world,
My only guide shall be Thy Footsteps,
My only light- Your Lotus eyes.
With all the sighs of an erred young child,
WHo wronged her benevolent mom
'Here I am'- the Lord of all Gopis,
I come to surrender my soul.
I've burned my hand in the pyre of world,
The free will is just too short- sighted,
Trying to enjoy away from You,
I realise it just cant be.
My Lord is the treasure of all joy,
The key to the world of true bliss.
My Lord is the Lorsdhip of all Gods,
My Lord is the one to be Served.
Ah! so glad I am, back to be here,
To be a speck of dust of Your Feet,
And I place with utmost reverence
The Gift of Free will on Thy Feet.
"No Lord- not anymore"
I need not,this crazy horse,
I'm happy to be just ruled by You,
I'm glad to be Your unpaid maid.
This 'free will' was gifted why,
I recieved an answer now.
You gave me the gift of free will
To let me realise i need none.
Just as the way a loving dad
Let the kid the burn of a tiny splinter
Only to keep the child afar
From more deathly whorls of flames.
Thank You my most worthy Lord
To let me have gone this way
I now return to thy feet
And surrender all I have.
Take me into Thy shelter
I need no fame, name or gold
No grandeur ,no kinship, nor free will
All I need is Thy Mercy and Love.
Please Lord Keep my faith strong,
Let everything else just go-
Kith and Kin and everyone else
I need just thy Holy Feet.
Take back with limitless Mercy
This double edged sword called free will
Your Will be now on my will
I need no free will anymore.
Grant me the boon of serving You,
Grant me the boon of unshaking faith,
Grant me the boon of surrender true
And make me free of all wordly woe.
Let me be the servant there,
Most fallen, most worthless
I have not, the desire to rule now
All I wish is servitorship.
All Glories to Lord of Lords!
All Glories to Radha Rani!
All Glories to holy Vraj vasis!
All Glories to Vrindavan Dham!

Monday, January 23, 2006
I Disagree To Accept Injustice !!!

I Disagree to Accept Injustice!
Sometimes I feel so agitated, so disturbed.... I know I must not be so prone to mundane emotions and disturbances... but sometimes I just can't tolerate injustice that we see around. Like the death of BRO driver Maniappan Kutty- would the case be same if he were a high rank officer? He was let to be executed by the human barbarians of Taliban... (well, coming to their relegiousness in another story- we will come to it later...)What did we do? We Indians, Keralites in particular? The inertia of a Keralite is irritating. It doesnt matter to them what happens to the rest of the population as long as self interests are protected... Is that a way to live? Who lost in the game? Humanity! Politicians has nothing to do with it- most politicians have sold their consciousness and conscience for money and power- so I am ignoring them frm my view of world... but there are many NGOs, many influential people who could have possibly made a difference- a family is now orphaned- father who is a heart patient, mother who has cancer , small kids and unemployed wife- these are what is left behind by Maniappan Kutty.... I am sad I can personally do nothing for them but pray for him and his family.... But- such irresponsibility, such corrupted behaviour from the entire government is a matter of concern.
Its not the question of one life alone, but its the question of governments responsibility to protect the life of its citizen, its the question of a high officer's life being more important than a low post rank, its the question of humanity, a question of the great culture we uphold.
At times i wonder if we people should simply clean the earth of the dirt of politician, to unburden Her divine body from the ugly weight of the heinous activities of party leaders- sometimes there is just no other way- I now understand a bit; the spirit that Parasuraama , the incarnation of Lord Vishnu , vowed to cleanse the world from the fist of ruling unjust kings.... then that violence only propogate non violence... I have heard that Buddha , in one of his birth killed a person- he was threatening to kill hundreds of other men- so out of compassion Buddha kills him- so that other lives are saved and also this persons soul is protected from the reactions of killing so many people.. now that is what i call real compassion. Taking the sin just for the purpose to save another...
Today while going to hospital, an Esteem VX- KL 7 AD 4503 , if i am not mistaken- a posh car of some advocate, came into the main road from a pocket road - near Kaloor- a busy junction at our place, it was disregarding ALL TRAFFIC RULES, what to say of other rules- it was not having a rear view mirror tht was in use.. he or she had kept it all nicely folded.... 'cos no law is above their arrogance.... If I had power I would have cancelled their licence- a common man can be at times given the excuse of ignorance- but what about these uncivilized - so called educated men and women? I suggest that when lawyers break rules they must be given twice the punishment as of a common man. Only such steps can save our country- only such discipline can make our people aware of the manners that they have to observe in given conditions and environments......
But I would most readily agree that no amount of material education can enlighten people. If that be the case modern world must be heaven. We lack spirituality- and I am not simply saying of some effulgent power- no- I am saying about a personality- The Supreme Personality of GodHead. U and I must give up the propensity to enjoy this world, to gratify our senses.... When we give up all such tendencies and realise that we are mere instruments at working at the Will of Lord- then alone can we become truly happy content. Only then can there be real justice. Where else in the world can we see the perfect justice other than in the concept of Karma? Well- thats another long topic and we will discuss it soon....
I wish there be justice... if only all men were given a decent chance to live, if life was respected beyond the differences of caste creed and nationality, if education was meant to bring a happy world- where primary ( spirituality) is complemented by secondary ( material knowledge)... well - I know - world will come back to its roots- it will realise - no beauty, no knowledge, no power or any opulance can actually come to one's aid other than the Mercy of His Will. Take care dear,
Chant and Be Happy !
Sunday, January 22, 2006
What is Science?????
What Is Science?I am perplexed by today's explanation as of what is science...... Is science now merely an experimentally provable branch of knowledge? Which is more significant- Experimenting or experiencing? Is science speculation? Learning physiology and anatomy in college I many times wonder- modern science so greatly explains every part of body- every part- from the genes to the gross anatomy- nerve course , muscles insertion and origin..... but can it ever explain what makes all this thing work in harmony? Even a dead body too has all these nerves, muscles, blood vessels and body fluids.... Whats the difference? The difference is of Vital force- Aatma or soul for the spiritually inclined..... When researchers spend life and fortune in mental speculation- stating and restating theories- how much dependable is the knowledge offered by them? These so called intellectuals find no difficulty in accepting that is said to have been proved by some of their counterpart in any other part of world... but these very people and a lot of common men find it really really difficult to accept what has been said by wise old ascetics- enlightened great men of their own country. They feel scriptures are nothing, but, concocted information meant to keep people in the illusion of blind beliefs..... I call such conclusions as blasphemy. Its good to accept new knowledge, but that should not fall to a level of blindly accepting what has been said by western scolars.
When we examine the world out here today, we find that its Indians who are most reluctant to accept the greatness of their own ancient culture. Most of the invaluable manuscripts, which are the cultural heritage of our country are not to be seen here.... great libraries in Germany and such developed countries have far more good and well secured collection of manuscripts from ancient India. They say Sanskrit is the best language for computer and related field. They look upon Ayurveda , as against the invasive therapeutics of Allopathy . The drain of our cultural and biological treasure is painful for any Indian to accept- the patents of many of our wisdom as well as plant/ plant products are now resting wth multi nationals..... It is such grim situation... but still not out of hand! We Indians have to accept and awake to our own great cultural heritage , then only can this scenario change.
I am a secular person- i respect the right to choose ones own relegion- but sometimes i feel outraged at the double standards of our own government and Judiciary. I am the daughter of a Christian - so , its obvious I am not talking against of for any community- rather I am talking as a citizen who wants justice to prevail. Why is it that the income of all relegious places except temples are allowed to be managed by the particular group of people, while the temples are directly under the control of government? Why is it proposed that the posts of temple administration and other posts to be filled in through PSC? It is unsecular and undemocratic.There should be equality- either let all manage their own funds or bring everything under government control- why, why are there such double standards? Its nothing but the attempt to secure their own vote banks by politicians. I am not for or against any political part- I like people based on their personal qualities- i will not vote for any person just because he belongs to a certain political part. We have such a lot of greatly educated people in our parliament- but all their skills are wasted , rather drowned in the sea of unholy politics. Its great national loss.... we citizens should respond to this... when we don't get what we were promised in the elections- ask for it- with force, with power...... We are not obliged to meet any treatment showered upon us- We are the voice, we are the masters of the constitution and parliament. If we keep quiet they will do whatever they feel like In malayalam there is a proverb- "if one don't sit where one is supposed to sit, dog will come and sit there" and u will be left with no place... more than 50 years of silence of masses has wrecked havoc with this country - not anymore.....
Oops! I deviated from topic- How many sensible people can believe in Big Bang theory? Its pure crap! Even to make some bread u need someone to do it- no bread comes through spontaneous accident- a power- a sensible, living power is essential for making even a toy car- then how on earth can we accept that whole universe and its entities came from some spontaneous explosion? That life came from nowhere- that it was an accident? All living beings also came into being from cumulative aberrations in genes and genetic material? Who, who can accept such non- sensical stories? Vestigeal organs, missing links- sophisticated and impressive terms to mislead common man. And the funniest part is , people can believe and accept such foolish concoctions- still cannot trust what has been said by enlightened souls. The theory of Karma is the most convincing theory for me to understand world. Its simply not possible to believe that some are born this way or that way as mere co incidence.... how children of same parents grown in same environment may have one intellectual and another retarded. It just cant be chance..... how same accident can kill one person while the other escape unscathed..... We can accept that 2000 year ago there lived an exalted soul named Jesus, but call Krsna , a historic personality who lived in India 5000 year ago as a belief????? There are many topics to discuss , but let me sign off for today- i will come tomoro with the great Indian system of calculating time and show its merit over other systems including Gregorian. by the way- did u know that even gregorian system makes a mistake of 24 seconds every year? See Ya Soon, May You Be Happy and Blessed!

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