What Is Science?I am perplexed by today's explanation as of what is science...... Is science now merely an experimentally provable branch of knowledge? Which is more significant- Experimenting or experiencing? Is science speculation? Learning physiology and anatomy in college I many times wonder- modern science so greatly explains every part of body- every part- from the genes to the gross anatomy- nerve course , muscles insertion and origin..... but can it ever explain what makes all this thing work in harmony? Even a dead body too has all these nerves, muscles, blood vessels and body fluids.... Whats the difference? The difference is of Vital force- Aatma or soul for the spiritually inclined..... When researchers spend life and fortune in mental speculation- stating and restating theories- how much dependable is the knowledge offered by them? These so called intellectuals find no difficulty in accepting that is said to have been proved by some of their counterpart in any other part of world... but these very people and a lot of common men find it really really difficult to accept what has been said by wise old ascetics- enlightened great men of their own country. They feel scriptures are nothing, but, concocted information meant to keep people in the illusion of blind beliefs..... I call such conclusions as blasphemy. Its good to accept new knowledge, but that should not fall to a level of blindly accepting what has been said by western scolars.
When we examine the world out here today, we find that its Indians who are most reluctant to accept the greatness of their own ancient culture. Most of the invaluable manuscripts, which are the cultural heritage of our country are not to be seen here.... great libraries in Germany and such developed countries have far more good and well secured collection of manuscripts from ancient India. They say Sanskrit is the best language for computer and related field. They look upon Ayurveda , as against the invasive therapeutics of Allopathy . The drain of our cultural and biological treasure is painful for any Indian to accept- the patents of many of our wisdom as well as plant/ plant products are now resting wth multi nationals..... It is such grim situation... but still not out of hand! We Indians have to accept and awake to our own great cultural heritage , then only can this scenario change.
I am a secular person- i respect the right to choose ones own relegion- but sometimes i feel outraged at the double standards of our own government and Judiciary. I am the daughter of a Christian - so , its obvious I am not talking against of for any community- rather I am talking as a citizen who wants justice to prevail. Why is it that the income of all relegious places except temples are allowed to be managed by the particular group of people, while the temples are directly under the control of government? Why is it proposed that the posts of temple administration and other posts to be filled in through PSC? It is unsecular and undemocratic.There should be equality- either let all manage their own funds or bring everything under government control- why, why are there such double standards? Its nothing but the attempt to secure their own vote banks by politicians. I am not for or against any political part- I like people based on their personal qualities- i will not vote for any person just because he belongs to a certain political part. We have such a lot of greatly educated people in our parliament- but all their skills are wasted , rather drowned in the sea of unholy politics. Its great national loss.... we citizens should respond to this... when we don't get what we were promised in the elections- ask for it- with force, with power...... We are not obliged to meet any treatment showered upon us- We are the voice, we are the masters of the constitution and parliament. If we keep quiet they will do whatever they feel like In malayalam there is a proverb- "if one don't sit where one is supposed to sit, dog will come and sit there" and u will be left with no place... more than 50 years of silence of masses has wrecked havoc with this country - not anymore.....
Oops! I deviated from topic- How many sensible people can believe in Big Bang theory? Its pure crap! Even to make some bread u need someone to do it- no bread comes through spontaneous accident- a power- a sensible, living power is essential for making even a toy car- then how on earth can we accept that whole universe and its entities came from some spontaneous explosion? That life came from nowhere- that it was an accident? All living beings also came into being from cumulative aberrations in genes and genetic material? Who, who can accept such non- sensical stories? Vestigeal organs, missing links- sophisticated and impressive terms to mislead common man. And the funniest part is , people can believe and accept such foolish concoctions- still cannot trust what has been said by enlightened souls. The theory of Karma is the most convincing theory for me to understand world. Its simply not possible to believe that some are born this way or that way as mere co incidence.... how children of same parents grown in same environment may have one intellectual and another retarded. It just cant be chance..... how same accident can kill one person while the other escape unscathed..... We can accept that 2000 year ago there lived an exalted soul named Jesus, but call Krsna , a historic personality who lived in India 5000 year ago as a belief????? There are many topics to discuss , but let me sign off for today- i will come tomoro with the great Indian system of calculating time and show its merit over other systems including Gregorian. by the way- did u know that even gregorian system makes a mistake of 24 seconds every year? See Ya Soon, May You Be Happy and Blessed!

1 comment:
I am a small lover of science,even i cant think like this...you are too good...How can you do this...??!!!
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