OK Listen, today I want to share with you an interesting fact- well- its about tongue. Tongue is a totally muscular organ which when not controlled can get all your bones broken ! Though I was joking there is a glimpse of truth in it.
If we are observant enough we can see a general pattern in all of creation- fingerprint of the Supreme Father. Electrons revolve around nucleus and earth around Sun; cells come together to form tissue and tissues join to form muscles, the seasonal cycle and the cycle of life- everything follows a certain discipline.
I have been a medical student,more than that I have been eager to understand the ancient wisdom of sages and Guru Parampara. India once had just one relegion- the Sanatan Dharma- this was a composite and complete code of life- how to live in a way that is best for oneself, one's family, society and universe as a whole. It was based on truth, righteousness and piety. Religion was not gimmick- it was integral part of life. And donot misinterpret religion as the fanatism one sees in the name of it in today's world- Religion was rather a mature understanding of one's constitutional position as Lord's servants; religion was the complete surrender after realising one's total helplessness in the face of life.
Lord Himself revealed how He expect us to behave to free ourselves from the unending cycle of birth and death - this wisdom is passed on from generation to generation through an accepted pathway of disciplic succession. Now please pay attention to the fact that though I used the word "Lord expect "- that expectation is not at all to be taken the way it is used in mundane dealings. Lord is complete and absolute on His own- He needs nothing from Us- He is self satisfied- He Himself is the absolute Pleasure and Bliss. But just like how a father wants his son to study well- not because it will benefit father- but for the love of son ,father wants the son to be most productive and shows him the way to be so.
It is revealed that the life we live in this world- or any world , anywhere in the universe- is a product of illusionary energy of Lord. All the lives in material world are here since they wanted to be independent from Lord, they wanted to enjoy away from Lord- and the ever so benevolent that the Supreme Father is- He let us the way we wished.The illusionary energy- called Maya- is like a kidnapper; She allures the child showing various toys and slowly slowly wean him away from the protective hands of Father. Child is not bothered whether he is safe in a stranger's association- He is blinded from everything except the toy that has caught his attention. Inevitably when the child is sufficiently away from father- the stranger starts showing the real face. Toys are now no more there and the child is tortured miserably. Same thing happens with us- Maya takes us away from the Supreme Lord - tempting us with various promises- a good career, a great life partner or the promise of social recognition and fame. Trying to pursue all these, we stray away from Lord, rather unknowingly but steadily we make these illusions the centre of our life.
"That person who runs here and there seeking to gratify his tongue and who is always attached to the desires of his stomach and genitals is unable to attain Krsna." CC- Antya 6.227
The same pattern- the working of Maya - is illustrated in the functional style of tongue. The tip of the tongue is more equipped with taste buds to detect sweetness; which means if anything has even subtle property of sweetness - as soon as ur tongue tip comes in contact with it- it makes us feel- "Oh Good- This is sweet- let me go ahead and eat it" But more is to be revealed- just beyond the tip is t he region to detect saltness. Well a bit of salt always add to taste, so we are encouraged to relish it more. Then as you move deeper- it becomes sour - which may start interfering with our previously percieved tastes. It might be a little odd- but yea- sour is not so bad afterall. But when you get really in- to the most interior parts of ur tongue- thats the region for bitter taste. Maya works the same way- it at first temptates you- showing the so-called brighter aspects of material life but when you try to relish it- it just reveals its insufficiency. You love someone thinking he/she is perfect- but as one start living together you get to see the not so good aspects. You work all your way thru your childhood and adolescence to get a good job- you study longer to get an even better job- thinking "ÖK Once i am there, I can sit back and enjoy" But the miseries always follow- the miseries due to body, due to mind or due to nature. We just can't do anything to escape from them. If you wish to swim in ocean but don't expect water to touch you- it is foolishness. Same way If we are in material world its foolish of us to wish for a perpetually happy life.
Lord is showing us in subtle ways and obvious ways about the nature of the material world. If we have to be happy , we have to get back to our constitutional position. Well- dont think I am in my constitutional position. I am trying to be - I am far far from it.. but I just wanted to share with you..... the trick of the illusionary energy, Maya. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu tried to awaken all of us - asking us to wake up from the slumber in the lap of the witch called Maya. Mahamantra can release us from this misery- it alone can.....
Let us all chant Mahamantra and be happy and be saved from this miserable world.
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