~ Unknown ~
The words that I will lay out here
Shall not be called so- I forewarn;
They are pictures drawn upon
Sand of time with bleeding heart.
The thoughts that i show you now,
Are not just thoughts , let me be clear
These are tears and sighs so true..
Keep silence; you'll hear them cry.
These requests are not requests
But they are my prayers so pure
Please my Lord, Grant me Love
I am so deeply lost in illusion.
All Through I knew it well
Love is meant for You alone
And yet being in maya's clasp
I loved and still do- someone deep.
When "we" started I knew well
Nothing would just bring upon
A life for me and him together
A life when I could say he's mine!
Yet we loved like none else would
He took me like a new bloomed flower
Ever so cautious to keep me safe
Ever so caring to hurt me not.
Inspite of me, my own self
Inspite of all the grim days sure
I just could not love him less
Day by day- i grew attached.
Now , Like a kid on top
Of ladder tall and upright held-
One by one she climbed so well
But climbing down seesm so scary.
Oh My Lord of all things true,
Please please make me strong- I beg,
Someday he would have to go
Let me strength to see him go.
Please make me know that its OK
I will always have You- sure!
No matter how bad I am
You will always Love me true.
Let these tears i let go now
Beg You pardon for being so,
But still inspite of all this mess,
My Lord! I dont love him less.
Krsna, are you not Charmer?
You charm the heart of Cupid too
Please please take my heart away,
Please free me from all dismay.
I know this well, if I did hanker,
So much for You, the Lord of Lords
You would have whisked me from this world
And unbound me from Karmic Laws.
Lord, I am the most fallen
Lord I know I am weakest one
Please help me and guide me right
Please free me from this worldly woe.
I think I've my heart well hurt,
Good payback for doing wrong
And yet I cry out to you, now Lord
I am still not glad- please help me.
Help me Lord to love You true,
Help me Lord to love him right
He should be for me, that u say
Grant me boon to see it well.
Thank You Lord for letting me
Traverse this way and be all bold
Test of fire is so crucial
To make an ore to purest gold!
I can't imagine how can anyone have so much understanding about love??..I think this much understanding may some lover have in them.
nicely written..good to read. the ian things that any poetry needs.
So true, pure and sweet. Infact Krsna alone deserves pure love.LOVE in the world is only for HIM and nobody else!
every article is nice.
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