I Disagree to Accept Injustice!
Sometimes I feel so agitated, so disturbed.... I know I must not be so prone to mundane emotions and disturbances... but sometimes I just can't tolerate injustice that we see around. Like the death of BRO driver Maniappan Kutty- would the case be same if he were a high rank officer? He was let to be executed by the human barbarians of Taliban... (well, coming to their relegiousness in another story- we will come to it later...)What did we do? We Indians, Keralites in particular? The inertia of a Keralite is irritating. It doesnt matter to them what happens to the rest of the population as long as self interests are protected... Is that a way to live? Who lost in the game? Humanity! Politicians has nothing to do with it- most politicians have sold their consciousness and conscience for money and power- so I am ignoring them frm my view of world... but there are many NGOs, many influential people who could have possibly made a difference- a family is now orphaned- father who is a heart patient, mother who has cancer , small kids and unemployed wife- these are what is left behind by Maniappan Kutty.... I am sad I can personally do nothing for them but pray for him and his family.... But- such irresponsibility, such corrupted behaviour from the entire government is a matter of concern.
Its not the question of one life alone, but its the question of governments responsibility to protect the life of its citizen, its the question of a high officer's life being more important than a low post rank, its the question of humanity, a question of the great culture we uphold.
At times i wonder if we people should simply clean the earth of the dirt of politician, to unburden Her divine body from the ugly weight of the heinous activities of party leaders- sometimes there is just no other way- I now understand a bit; the spirit that Parasuraama , the incarnation of Lord Vishnu , vowed to cleanse the world from the fist of ruling unjust kings.... then that violence only propogate non violence... I have heard that Buddha , in one of his birth killed a person- he was threatening to kill hundreds of other men- so out of compassion Buddha kills him- so that other lives are saved and also this persons soul is protected from the reactions of killing so many people.. now that is what i call real compassion. Taking the sin just for the purpose to save another...
Today while going to hospital, an Esteem VX- KL 7 AD 4503 , if i am not mistaken- a posh car of some advocate, came into the main road from a pocket road - near Kaloor- a busy junction at our place, it was disregarding ALL TRAFFIC RULES, what to say of other rules- it was not having a rear view mirror tht was in use.. he or she had kept it all nicely folded.... 'cos no law is above their arrogance.... If I had power I would have cancelled their licence- a common man can be at times given the excuse of ignorance- but what about these uncivilized - so called educated men and women? I suggest that when lawyers break rules they must be given twice the punishment as of a common man. Only such steps can save our country- only such discipline can make our people aware of the manners that they have to observe in given conditions and environments......
But I would most readily agree that no amount of material education can enlighten people. If that be the case modern world must be heaven. We lack spirituality- and I am not simply saying of some effulgent power- no- I am saying about a personality- The Supreme Personality of GodHead. U and I must give up the propensity to enjoy this world, to gratify our senses.... When we give up all such tendencies and realise that we are mere instruments at working at the Will of Lord- then alone can we become truly happy content. Only then can there be real justice. Where else in the world can we see the perfect justice other than in the concept of Karma? Well- thats another long topic and we will discuss it soon....
I wish there be justice... if only all men were given a decent chance to live, if life was respected beyond the differences of caste creed and nationality, if education was meant to bring a happy world- where primary ( spirituality) is complemented by secondary ( material knowledge)... well - I know - world will come back to its roots- it will realise - no beauty, no knowledge, no power or any opulance can actually come to one's aid other than the Mercy of His Will. Take care dear,
Chant and Be Happy !
1 comment:
Its true...but what we can do???
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