Do you believe in fairy tales?
I do!
Do you believe in dreams coming true?
I do!
And Do you believe in guardian angels?
I do!
Well you must be wondering if I am some crazy eccentric professor; to ask so many questions and then give answers on my own- I am not. I am a young lady being really happy for the way Lord is providing ! I met my guardian angel in person. OK, for those who don't know- let me explain- and those who know, please bear with me as I narrate.
Approximately 1000 days back, I was wandering inside the anonymous maze of virtual space- Taking break from the schedules that had become boring. I was an aspiring devotee ( still am) yearning for some association of like minded souls. Now don't think I was very silent, very reserved, totally religious or fanatic person- I was very talkative, very active and really friendly person. But in the depth of my heart I knew life's aim is not to spent it in materialistic pursuits, trying to bring the world under ones feet. I was spending most of my time reading about Lord,also about various religions and philosophies. And I met my angel in the most unexpected place- among a group of amateur singers. I was skeptical at first, apprehensive about strangers online, but someone in my heart said- ''go on- accept the hand of friendship''. Thats one decision I will never repent in my life. We became friends, close friends and then best friends. My angel was (is) a good devotee- with limitless patience and love, I was taught the basics of devotional service. At that point of life- I had been carried away by the philosophy of monism. So I first saw my angels views as childish and immature; I thought '' OK! as time unfolds I will show what true knowledge is''. But my Lord had not planned to keep me in ignorance for long - so Lord did not blind my eyes to truth; instead He granted me a receptive ear to receive the knowledge. Since I was in awe, reverence and love for my angel- I kept on listening patiently and asking doubts whenever I had any. I asked numerous doubts- more than an average person can tolerate. But since my guide was not mere human, but really an angel- I got answers- repeatedly- time and again; with no tinge of irritation or mockery.
Slowly it began to dawn to me- I was the foolish, immature one- all the 13- 14 years I spend in reading about philosophy was waste....I could have utilized it best by reading about my Lord....but well! what was past, was past and I was happy to hear about real knowledge at least now. My angel is a research scholar- PhD student- and you will know what compromise was made in life to accept and fit me in there. I was given on an average 2-3 hours a day- I could share all my personal problems, academic problems, social problems and spiritual queries. Sometimes my angel called me and read Srimad Bhagawatam or Bhagavad Gita; I was reminded about every Ekadasis and other special days. And so on life moved... days passed one after another; scenarios of life kept changing. people came and people left, exams came and results published... life kept on moving. I felt safe in my angels protection, I knew whatever went wrong I have my angel to hold on- and this was firm- cos I believed that my angel was sent by Lord since I am very childish and in need of protection. Our relation evolved gradually- from apprehension to acceptance, friendship,awe, respect, trust, love and faith. Through many many difficult phases in life- I did not feel threatened since my angel kept giving me courage through words from scriptures and wisdom therein.
All this kept happening- without having personally seen my angel even once.
And after many eventful days-after a long waiting period- I finally met my angel in person. It was so natural, so much in place. I did not feel like I have never met before- rather I felt like I have been living with my angel every day. There was no element of apprehension, uneasiness or artificiality- just like a reunion of old friends. So much joy and happiness, love and laughter and everything else good. The week passed at lightening speed. My angel took my hand and gave me strength, looked into my eyes and melted all fear, patted me and assured everything to be fine. We went out with my sister,to temple, to beach, to shops and many more places. Most of them did not make much difference to me since the presence of my angel was so overpowering that every other factors passed into oblivion.My angel went back, leaving behind a lot of colourful memories to cherish.
I am a happier person and I want to thank my Lord for the blessing. I am really unworthy recipient of this mercy and love but still my Lord disregard it. I have no qualification to even acquaint with my angel, but I am let to be. I understand the purpose of sending angel into my life- I am such a foolish person that I might have not accepted the nectar of devotional service through some other source. I had been proud of my understanding of monism and merging with Supreme effulgence. I was so stubborn to let any other explanation bother my mind. But my Lord did not let me live and die in the depth of folly- He mercifully extended His Lotus Hands to rescue me from my ignorance,through my angel. I cannot repay the kindness, all I can do is faithfully obey and practice all that has been taught to me.
''Dear Lord- I pray that my life be spent in Your service and Your devotees'. Whatever material miseries I have to face- let me go through them holding Unto You. I am a forgetful soul, totally foolish and egoistic, but please don't let me forget You- Only You can help me remember You always. Let no time in my life be spent without Your Lotus feet in my inner eyes. May my eyes see nothing but You, Your Paraphernalia and Your Pure Devotees, May I learn to see You in every atom of creation every moment of my life. For the kindness You bestow upon me- I can never return anything, but my Lord- let me remain Your servant all my life and beyond it. Please employ me in Your mission, empower me to spread the glory of Holy name, grant me taste in Holy name. No misery is greater than my forgetfulness about You and hence Lord- please don't let me forget You. Grant me the Love for You and make my life meaningful!''
Yes- I am a truly lucky girl. And I believe in fairy tales; in dreams coming true ;and in guardian angels.
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