This is a poem written some weeks back.. its a li'l long than usual ones... but I hope you would enjoy reading this....... Offering this as a tribute of love to the sweetest Lord of all worlds....
Oh Lord! the Sweet Lord of Lords,
To You I pay my humble obeisances,
Upon Thy Feet I offer fragrant flowers,
Unto You I offer freshly churned butter.
When You let me off to this world so dark,
I rem'mber You gifted me an admirable gift
Wanting to enjoy apart from You
The Lord of Mercy You let me do the same.
Wrapped in a golden covering
You granted me gift called Free Will
Elated i was- i suppose,
Glad to go my way.
Roads I traversed in plenty
Some paths were strewn with flowers,
I immersed myself in mundane joys,
And not thought of You even once.
Some roads were laced with danger
The thorns of Karmic Law
When ill fate bounced upon me
I wondered 'loud "But why Lord me?"
Dark roads that made me stumble
Made my thoughts turn to You,
Alas! that moment apart
I fell back to my bad old ways.
One wrong succeeded next fault,
The sin of spiteful envy
The sin of name and glory
The sin of selfishness.
I went behind ephemeral shadows,
Assuming them to be best
Not once did I ever realise
That its all but Your expertise.
How can I yearn for shadows?
Why dont I crave for sun?
Hundred crore suns ane but nothing
And I am still groping in dark for candle.
A moment I say "Yes these are mine"
And proudly boast off on worldly stage,
Next moment I cry out in despair,
"Oh but why had it now gone?"
I vainly propounded ownership
I wished for worthy Love
Little did ignorant I knew,
Only You know how to Love true.
Yes! my most Majestic Lordship,
I give up my hope in this world,
My only guide shall be Thy Footsteps,
My only light- Your Lotus eyes.
With all the sighs of an erred young child,
WHo wronged her benevolent mom
'Here I am'- the Lord of all Gopis,
I come to surrender my soul.
I've burned my hand in the pyre of world,
The free will is just too short- sighted,
Trying to enjoy away from You,
I realise it just cant be.
My Lord is the treasure of all joy,
The key to the world of true bliss.
My Lord is the Lorsdhip of all Gods,
My Lord is the one to be Served.
Ah! so glad I am, back to be here,
To be a speck of dust of Your Feet,
And I place with utmost reverence
The Gift of Free will on Thy Feet.
"No Lord- not anymore"
I need not,this crazy horse,
I'm happy to be just ruled by You,
I'm glad to be Your unpaid maid.
This 'free will' was gifted why,
I recieved an answer now.
You gave me the gift of free will
To let me realise i need none.
Just as the way a loving dad
To You I pay my humble obeisances,
Upon Thy Feet I offer fragrant flowers,
Unto You I offer freshly churned butter.
When You let me off to this world so dark,
I rem'mber You gifted me an admirable gift
Wanting to enjoy apart from You
The Lord of Mercy You let me do the same.
Wrapped in a golden covering
You granted me gift called Free Will
Elated i was- i suppose,
Glad to go my way.
Roads I traversed in plenty
Some paths were strewn with flowers,
I immersed myself in mundane joys,
And not thought of You even once.
Some roads were laced with danger
The thorns of Karmic Law
When ill fate bounced upon me
I wondered 'loud "But why Lord me?"
Dark roads that made me stumble
Made my thoughts turn to You,
Alas! that moment apart
I fell back to my bad old ways.
One wrong succeeded next fault,
The sin of spiteful envy
The sin of name and glory
The sin of selfishness.
I went behind ephemeral shadows,
Assuming them to be best
Not once did I ever realise
That its all but Your expertise.
How can I yearn for shadows?
Why dont I crave for sun?
Hundred crore suns ane but nothing
And I am still groping in dark for candle.
A moment I say "Yes these are mine"
And proudly boast off on worldly stage,
Next moment I cry out in despair,
"Oh but why had it now gone?"
I vainly propounded ownership
I wished for worthy Love
Little did ignorant I knew,
Only You know how to Love true.
Yes! my most Majestic Lordship,
I give up my hope in this world,
My only guide shall be Thy Footsteps,
My only light- Your Lotus eyes.
With all the sighs of an erred young child,
WHo wronged her benevolent mom
'Here I am'- the Lord of all Gopis,
I come to surrender my soul.
I've burned my hand in the pyre of world,
The free will is just too short- sighted,
Trying to enjoy away from You,
I realise it just cant be.
My Lord is the treasure of all joy,
The key to the world of true bliss.
My Lord is the Lorsdhip of all Gods,
My Lord is the one to be Served.
Ah! so glad I am, back to be here,
To be a speck of dust of Your Feet,
And I place with utmost reverence
The Gift of Free will on Thy Feet.
"No Lord- not anymore"
I need not,this crazy horse,
I'm happy to be just ruled by You,
I'm glad to be Your unpaid maid.
This 'free will' was gifted why,
I recieved an answer now.
You gave me the gift of free will
To let me realise i need none.
Just as the way a loving dad
Let the kid the burn of a tiny splinter
Only to keep the child afar
From more deathly whorls of flames.
Thank You my most worthy Lord
To let me have gone this way
I now return to thy feet
And surrender all I have.
Take me into Thy shelter
I need no fame, name or gold
No grandeur ,no kinship, nor free will
All I need is Thy Mercy and Love.
Please Lord Keep my faith strong,
Let everything else just go-
Kith and Kin and everyone else
I need just thy Holy Feet.
Take back with limitless Mercy
This double edged sword called free will
Your Will be now on my will
I need no free will anymore.
Grant me the boon of serving You,
Grant me the boon of unshaking faith,
Grant me the boon of surrender true
And make me free of all wordly woe.
Let me be the servant there,
Most fallen, most worthless
I have not, the desire to rule now
All I wish is servitorship.
All Glories to Lord of Lords!
All Glories to Radha Rani!
All Glories to holy Vraj vasis!
All Glories to Vrindavan Dham!